Eureka Labs

Crazy about innovation



With iPatas, you have access to thousands of products and services for your pet

Do you know that weekend when you are at home quietly, the pet shops are all closed, but your puppy appears with a swollen snout, something that seems to be a terrible allergy, and you get desperate, yet do not know who to call?
Ipatas comes to take you out of trouble, in the app you find veterinarians, ask for food for your pet and schedule services, all this in the palm of your hand.
Does your company offer comfort to your customer?
Count on us, we have the necessary expertise to analyze your case and develop the best solution.


Unicoob Negócios

With unicoob-business brings the customer closer, offers the warmth of a relationship

One of the secrets to success in business is the relationship with your client. You need to date your prospectus and that's simple, but it's not that easy.
The App unicoob-negocios proposes a deep knowledge of the cooperative members, because it registers each contact keeping a history, besides collecting feedback on the quality of the service.
This amazing app also allows the generation of contact missions, as well as automatic missions such as that of a certain product that needs to be renewed, drastically increasing sales.
How well do you know your client? Can you imagine having this level of relationship with him?
We know exactly how to help you reach this level of maturity.



Discount coupons, tickets and movies, all in Cineflix app

With Cineflix's app you don't need the physical ticket, because today all you need is on your inseparable cell phone.
If you like to stay tuned to the news, have you ever thought about being the first to watch a movie that just came out? That's right, with the pre-sale you can get the ticket before everyone else.
But let's talk about your company now. If you also try to warn about the news through the social network, but it doesn't deliver to your followers, how about having an application capable of reaching 100% of your followers?


Sementes Castrolanda

Quotes, news, plantability calculator

Your customer's success is your success! What do you do to support your client?
Sementes Castrolanda already knows this, and is sharing all its knowledge with its cooperative members.
Through the app the cooperative has access to the most relevant news about agribusiness. In addition, a cooperative member can easily make a plantability calculation, and if he needs help he can count on the list of representatives that serve his area with one touch on the cell phone screen.
How do you support your client? How could you help him with notifications, geolocation? It's your company within the most important device of today, so your customer has help within reach!

See examples of values and deadlines


Uber, iFood, AirBnB, Instagram

Approx. value.

$ 500K

Average time

1 Year

E-commerce and Apps for sale

Approx. value.

$ 150K

Average time

6 Months

Startups and MVPs ideas

Approx. value.

$ 75K

Average time

3 Months

Institutional or static

Approx. value.

$ 30K

Average time

1 Month

Still have questions?

Make an online simulation now, click here to find out the estimated value of your app

How can we boost your company?

that's a brain
Artificial Intelligence

Your company's human resources are state-of-the-art equipment. Artificial Intelligence is a steroid that accelerates companies, dramatically increasing the productivity and assertiveness of human resources.
Is your company ready to compete with these competitors?

that's a brain

Do you know that gas you need to deliver your project on time? Or that specialty you need on time now?
Eureka has the professional that fits perfectly, and as a bonus you will have the Eureka experience in your team, contributing ideas and processes.

Let's make your idea come true

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